Friday, December 4, 2015

Life changer

Personal essay
Long ago I had no idea what I really wanted to do with my life. I could never makeup my mind about what I wanted to do with my life and what I wanted to be later in life and how to get there. One day a friend asked if I wanted to join boy scouts and I accepted. From there my life started to get a little bit better and I was able to make up my mind about some things in my future. During one of the retreats I decided that I really liked going places with my friends and having a good time. Then we went on the trip that changed the way that I saw the world and has defined my life up till now.  
During Spring break 3 years ago I traveled to the continental divide with my boy scout troop.  On the way there we traveled to lots of different state parks and hiked for hours.  On our way to it we got to climb a mountain all along the way we got to see lots of wildlife that would be impossible to see in any other location.  For as I looked down from my lofty perch on the shoulders of one of the world's giants I realized just how small I really was in this massive world.  And I knew just how much I wanted to make a huge impact on the future so that I would be remembered for generations.  For a man’s memory lives on in the memories of others and in his actions.  As we were traveling back down from the mountaintop I felt relieved knowing what my ultimate goal was and knowing that I would stop at nothing to achieve it.

And since that day I have strived to bring that dream to fruition. I have been thinking of ways to change the world for the better and leave behind a legacy of good. One day I will find a way to leave an impact on the world that all will remember me for.